"Brown subtly shades some lines and unleashes her full voice on others"
- Pat Muir , Yakima Herald Republic
"You were awesome and I heard a lot of great comments! Hope to have you back Abby."
- Rob Valicoff, Valicoff Estates
Hey Ya´ll! My Name is Abby Brown A.K.A The Girl In Black and I am a 16 year old all-genre Singer/Songwriter. Ever since I was young, I would always sing and dance around no matter where I went. During my childhood, I went through many difficult times. My mother was an alcoholic and addicted to drugs and I didn´t know my father until a recent FaceBook encounter. I struggled with this for a very long time and though I was safe in the arms of my loving grandparents, who raised me and later went on to adopt me, I always felt very scared and alone.
At age 12, I found myself on a stage where I sang my heart out and fell in love with singing and performing. After a few performances, I realized that there are many others going through situations just like mine and they too felt they were alone. After hearing my story, many would approach to let me know how much it helped them understand they are not alone and that if they don´t give up, they will absolutely be stronger and braver in the end. Since hearing that, I have been working to share my voice with others, spread positive and powerful messages through music, reach out a helping hand, and give advice to those who may be lost.